Have you ever wanted to add some fun to your Perfect Pitch and don’t know how?

Here is something a little different that is fun to create and will certainly grab your audience’s attention

People enjoy hearing something they are familiar with and MOST people have heard nursery rhymes! I know you may be thinking….. “hold on, this isn’t nursery school!” … Hear me out!!!


Nursery rhymes conjure up images, they have a sense of familiarity and I promise you will be completely different to anything you have ever delivered before!

Think about your business and products that you have available….. what nursery rhymes could they relate to?

“Incy, Wincy Spider” – could relate to pest control

The Butcher, The Baker, The Candlestick maker – could relate to your “customer type”

“Round and Round the garden” – could relate to a landscaper

“Humpty Dumpty” – could relate to a repair shop

 You don’t necessarily have to give the ENTIRE rhyme, but a verse or line from it can add some fun and creativity to the mix.

One of the ones I used was relating to the pressure of TIME when delivering a pitch….

 Hickory Dickory Dock. The mouse ran up the clock

The clock struck one…. bang

You have 30 seconds to make your pitch count!

Don’t be the mouse that “runs out of time!”

My name is Sarah Bauling and I work with you to create your perfect pitch

If you are ready to create a pitch that you can deliver with clarity and confidence

One that you can deliver with ease in 30 seconds

Then I invite you to reach out to me ASAP so you don’t need to stress about the “Hickory Dickory Dock”


The pitch was well received AND I picked up 3 clients from that function whose response was “I need to figure out how to create a creative pitch AND keep on time!”

When it comes to you and your business, what do you do? Is there a nursery rhyme that tallies up with what you do – be it the benefit or challenge?

I invite you to share your fun and creative pitch with me I would love to see what you come up with!

And with that “The little dog laughed to see such fun and the dish ran away with the spoon!”